Jeet Kune Do

Jeet Kune Do (JKD) is a hybrid martial art developed by Bruce Lee. Lee believed that no single martial art had all the answers and that every move did not work for every body type or personality, he therefore created JKD to incorporate the best elements of various traditional martial arts.

The JKD program is built on the core principles of basic Boxing, Fencing, Savate, Kickboxing, Wing Chun, and various grappling arts such as Judo and Wrestling.

It is designed to provide a comprehensive and dynamic martial arts training program that adapts to each individual's strengths and weaknesses.

The JKD curriculum is focused on practical application and emphasizes the development of flexibility, adaptability, and efficiency in one's techniques. 

Our JKD class is held on Tuesday and Thursday nights from 6:30-7:30pm inside Ironwood Crossfit.

The JKD online program is coming soon. If you are interested in this program, click HERE and be the first to know!